Nature Collage Framework

6 10 2008

Another fun idea from the landscape arboretum visit that might be a little easier to execute than the pine cone elf house is this nature collage framework. Simply made from wire mesh stretched between cut branches, this framework provides a backdrop for temporary nature collages.

I’m thinking of using a smaller grid wire to make an 18″ square frame. Maybe two frames. Then putting 5″ or so little legs on to them creating little tables. The kids could use bird seed such as sunflower or peanuts in the shell to make little collages and then set out for the birds (or squirrels) to enjoy.



2 responses

7 10 2008

Geez Louise, can you just secretly move to the arboretum. Wait that was my idea first, never mind we’re moving there. If too many of us move there someone might notice. Makes me wish we lived on 20 acres with lots of trees!

7 10 2008

Okay, not as cute as the elf stuff but still darn fun.

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